Pätus Bremske

Posts Tagged ‘turkish power’

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hero of the United Anarchists!

In Foreign Affairs on 26. Oktober 2022 at 20:38

German „men“ are very feminine

We, the United Anarchists, humbly submit to the Turkish head of state, his wisdom Recep Tayyip Erdogan! Erdogan is a Turk as he should be: proud, powerful and fearless.

This Superman is also a blessing for us Germans: he takes instead of giving, he hits instead of asking stupid questions. An anarchist as he must be!

German „men“ tend to have a womanish disposition, and so they have found strict masters in the Turks whom they can serve and in whom they have a masculine role model.

That’s why Germans only have a poor motherland, while the powerful Turks have a real fatherland. We United Anarchists worship Recep Tayyip Erdogan! Our message of salvation is therefore: „Humanity should do what the just and reasonable Erdogan wants!“