Pätus Bremske

Posts Tagged ‘prejudice’

The Truth About Kennedy’s Death – revealed by the United Anarchists!

In Mysterious murders on 13. Dezember 2023 at 14:26
Kennedy's last speech
In May 1961, Kennedy gave a speech to the US Congress in which many things pointed to imminent suicide.

On November 22, 1963, the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, died in the Texas capital… allegedly in an assassination attempt. The alleged murderer: Lee Harvey Oswald. But how did Kennedy really die? Official statements from US authorities are basically fictitious and lies… investigation results from the police and public prosecutor’s office are without exception falsified. So it was already clear before the investigation began that we would be dealing with falsehoods and intrigues.

If you look at the photographs that were taken on the day of the alleged attack, you come to a surprising conclusion: John F. Kennedy committed suicide in spectacular fashion! The motif? Heartbreak syndrome!

John F. Kennedy was madly in love with Marilyn Monroe, but she broke up with him in 1962. Kennedy was a known sex addict, and since his wife Jacqueline was unattractive and also married to the Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis, he didn’t know what to do. Kennedy decided to end his life violently: in front of millions of innocent TV viewers!

Marilyn Monroe had numerous sexual relationships until 1962, including with the Kennedy brothers and Frank Sinatra. But then she had enough of being the object of these men’s lust.

Here is the photo series:

Here Marilyn Monroe breaks up with the Kennedy brothers. The US President gives her a clear look!

On November 22, 1963, Kennedy drove through Dallas in an open limousine as part of a tour of Texas:

Kennedy in offener Limousine
Everyone laughs happily, but what is noticeable is that Kennedy is fumbling around in his pocket. Does he unlock the revolver he is carrying?

Kennedy’s wife, seems to suspect that something is wrong. When the limousine stops at a red light, she tries to call for help.

Jacqueline wants to ask a police officer for help, but he is engrossed in conversation with a passerby.

The car moves on and Kennedy becomes visibly more nervous. His decision seems to have been made – he is determined to commit suicide!

Now Kennedy is also waving his right hand while his left continues to clutch the revolver.

A rare photo of the suicide being enlarged proves that Kennedy constantly clutched his revolver:

Kennedy suizid
Kennedy’s face is a malicious grimace. Did he decide at that moment to kill Jacqueline too?

Then the unthinkable happens!

He quickly draws the revolver and shoots himself in the back of the head. Widow Jacqueline bends over her dead husband in horror.

But John F. Kennedy is insatiable. He wants his widow shot too!

Jacky runs away from the murderer. Striking and so far little noticed: there was a so-called “Muslima” on the side of the road!

It is proven that John F. Kennedy committed suicide and then tried to shoot his own wife. Did he act as a lone perpetrator or did he have accomplices? This question must be clarified by the United Anarchists.

Sensation! United Anarchists member is looking for a job!

In Bundespolitik on 26. Oktober 2022 at 20:02

Bodo Boserke

United Anarchists fu***ng stupid and filthy lazy. Yes, that’s the prejudice that clings to us like dog poop on a shoe.

We anarchists would sit in front of the PC all day, look at XXX sites and smear nonsense in forums and blogs for the remaining minutes of the day. That’s really not the case. After all, we pull ourselves together once a month to sneak to the nearest ATM, withdraw the welfare and convert it into alcoholic beverages.

We United Anarchists have also been spotted at kebab shops, at McBurger and in XXX shops. Our member Bodo Boserke (picture above) now even goes one step further. He – listen and be amazed! – ist looking for a job!

„And I intend to take on the male lead in a XXX movie,“ explains the unhygienic German. „No salary is too high for me.”

With his honest willingness to work, Bodo Boserke refutes all the bad false prejudices that exist against us United Anarchists.