Pätus Bremske

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Winfried Sobottka – the worst German who ever lived!

In Bundespolitik on 12. Juli 2023 at 16:03
Breaking bad: Gabi Baaske and Winfried Sobottka!

No one who openly professes National Socialism or even calls for infanticide on the Internet can become a member of the United Anarchists. But Winfried Sobottka is guilty of both crimes:

Winfried Sobottka’s confession to National Socialism: here!

Winfried Sobottka’s appeal for infanticide on the Internet: here!

Requirements for membership in the United Anarchists are also:

Look like James Dean!

IQ of at least 65!

Clean underwear!

Winfried Sobottka cannot even begin to fulfill any of these requirements. And the mere fact that he hasn’t worked a single day in his life, which has lasted for about 75 years, is not considered by us anarchists as a special merit.

Despite these crushing omissions, Sobottka writes to us in his latest blog post as if we United Anarchists were his good friends! „@ U.A.“ begins his primitive dope post. Winfried, listen, you mutton! We United Anarchists hate it when the name of our wonderful secret organization is abbreviated. So let that be nice – do we understand each other, butt head?

„…I’m still alive,“ he continues. So what? Does he want a medal for it, the idiot? He currently only writes one post per month on his dirty blog. The rest of the time he is a sucker. Disgusting.

„…and you will hear a lot more about me from the outside in the future – at the moment I am mainly active in exploration.“ Haha, Winfried, good stupid joke! But let’s be honest: apart from spreading disgusting lies on the internet and otherwise just talking dirty, you’ve never achieved anything in your whole miserable life, apart from your unusually loud and smelly flatulence, of course.

Otherwise, the rest of Winfried Sobottka’s contribution is once again about the custody problems that he caused his fiancée Gabi Baaske, who was not particularly bright. The inexperienced woman is no longer allowed to see her own children because of the busybody from Lünen, Germany, but she still thinks the weak, overweight Winfried Sobottka is a kind of superhero – possibly because of his exploding flatulence.

In his opinion, he continues in his current post, we United Anarchists should be considerate of anyone who is invisible: „I kindly ask you to accept and take that into account,“ he says jovially and mysteriously.

Hey, what kind of shit are you talking about, Sobottka? You have absolutely nothing to report to us United Anarchists! Only three people a month google “Winfried Sobottka” and his crybaby “Gabi Baaske” anyway.

Literally nobody cares about your private shit! Forget it: Gabi Baaske decided in favor of Winfried Sobottka and thus against her own children. Shit happens!

„Otherwise: Moving on! I’m doing it too, even if I’m not making it big at the moment!“ Okay, we know: you have got a short dick, Winfried.

„I love you, and we must win, and we will win if we really want to!“ Wins? You haven’t even had a threesome in the lottery in your life because you don’t have the money to play. You are such a loser! Or where is the company that you wanted to open with Gabi Baaske?

When is the announced book coming out? Gabi Baaske’s super bestseller? Nothing came, nothing comes! Typical Sobottka. Lies, nothing but lies, you sausage! Let me know when you’ve finally managed to do something, Winfried Sobottka! And we’re not talking about a particularly loud or stinky fart.

We already know that you can do this.

Thanks! F*ck you!