Pätus Bremske

Halloween: The United Anarchists are going crazy!

In Winfried Sobottka on 30. Oktober 2022 at 20:00

They all shock us on Halloween: witches, zombies, vampires, Winfried Sobottka, werewolves, Frankenstein’s monsters, ghouls, ghosts, ghosts, mad murderers, mad scientists, malicious aliens.

We United Anarchists look forward to Halloween all year round: dressing up, dusting off candy, farting loudly in the middle of the street, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, dressing in women’s clothes, throwing up in the subway, etc. etc.!!! Cool! Nice! Superduper! This year the hackers on the Halloween front have the following orders:

1. Tag team Hamburg, consisting of Malte, Johannes, Paul and Moritz: traipsing from door to door, asking for sweets and booze. If something comes across, say thank you, move on. If not: poop on the doormat!

2. Tag team West Berlin, consisting of Johanna, Maria, Wenke, Adolf: Go out with Walmart bags, steal the candy from the other children who have already gotten something. But don’t do it to the Turks, they’ll beat you in your stupid face!

3. Tag team East Berlin consisting of the gay East Germans: you don’t take part this time, you’re too dumb!